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"Elliot Leigh - An Estate Agents Company in UK Rent, Buy or Sell a Property with Elliot Leigh"
Elliot Leigh Residential is part of the long-established Elliot Leigh group. It’s highly experienced founders are hands on and involved in the day to day running, ensuring standards are kept to the highest level as the sword falls on us. Our goal is not confined to simply selling or letting a property. We want our clients to shout about how professionally they were treated from end-to-end, whether that be a buyer, seller, tenant, landlord or those just seeking advice relating to property.

We believe it is not the agent’s brand or name that is important, but the people themselves. We lead by example and look after our staff, investing in their NAEA qualifications. This in turns mean they will look after you.

Selling, buying and renting are stressful processes. Quite often a lack of communication and transparency are contributors to the stress. These two important factors, along with empathy are absolute key and should be the fundamentals factors of any agent.

Getting the basic rights is first and foremost. Valuing a property correctly, marketing in the best possible way to maximize exposure, giving regular feedback and offering stellar advice and support are paramount. We believe in good old-fashioned values combined with the latest technology for our clients to meet their goals. We have the pedigree and backing to deliver whilst being small enough to care.

Our door is always open for free and impartial advice on either buying, selling or letting a property.
London, Greater London
This South Yorkshire property sold very quickly
3 Bedroom Detached in Rectory Lane Sold in 2 days. Asking price was £200,000, View property
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This Gateshead property has just been reduced
1 Bedroom Flat in Inskip Terrace reduced from £525 to £495 View property
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Please check out some of our other websites:

Mouseprice is the property portal for sellers and landlords with a focus on property valuation and property data.

See the estimated value of any property in the UK, or if you’re a true property data nerd check out Mouseprice Pro.

OurProperty is the property log book site.

It’s where homeowners can organise their property in one place.

It’s a secure store for any relevant documentation such as title deeds, builders invoices, dishwasher warranty, fensa certificates etc.

And a great place to manage household bills and home improvements, and to save money in the process.

Disclaimer - Elliot Leigh. The information contained in this profile is provided by the business themselves as an advertisement for their services, with the exception of the Reviews which are verified by the business only. is not endorsing this business and makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the advertisement or any linked or associated information, and does not check or verify the accuracy of the content. The information is generated, provided and maintained by Elliot Leigh. Please contact the business directly to obtain further information about their property services. The information in the Reviews is the opinion of the author only, it is not supplied by the business and therefore may not covered by the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
