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"Heating & Gaswork Specialist"
Moorland Heating Limited is a long established Plymouth based heating engineering company with a vast experience of installing & maintaining all types of Gas appliance. We supply and install Worcester Bosch, Vaillant and Alpha boilers – with up to 12 year guarantees. Finance available. We also provide boiler repairs and boiler servicing.

We also offer Landlord services. E.g. gas safety certificates, plus kitchen & bathroom plumbing, & heating system treatments.

We cover the following areas: Plympton, Plymouth, Sherford, Plymstock, the South Hams to Ashburton – including Ivybridge, South Brent, Buckfastleigh, Totnes, Wembury, Bantham & Salcombe; Saltash and across to Liskeard in Cornwall.
Plymouth, Devon
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This South Yorkshire property sold very quickly
3 Bedroom Detached in Rectory Lane Sold in 2 days. Asking price was £200,000, View property
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This Gateshead property has just been reduced
1 Bedroom Flat in Inskip Terrace reduced from £525 to £495 View property
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